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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package ihe.iti.basicaudit#1.0.1 (391 ms)

Package ihe.iti.basicaudit
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/basicaudit/https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/basicaudit/1.0.1/ValueSet-RestObjectRoles.html
Url https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/basicaudit/ValueSet/RestObjectRoles
Version 1.0.1
Status active
Date 2022-03-02T07:55:57-06:00
Name RestObjectRoles
Title RESTful objects role in the event
Experimental False
Realm uv
Authority ihe
Description The role that the given Object played in the Audit Event recorded
Copyright IHE http://www.ihe.net/Governance/#Intellectual_Property

Resources that use this resource

IHE.BasicAudit.Create Basic AuditEvent for a successful Create not related to a Patient
IHE.BasicAudit.Delete Basic AuditEvent for a successful Delete
IHE.BasicAudit.Read Basic AuditEvent for a successful Read
IHE.BasicAudit.Update Basic AuditEvent for a successful Update

Resources that this resource uses

http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role AuditEventEntityRole
http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role AuditEventEntityRole


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

  • Include these codes as defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role
    4Domain ResourceA logical object related to a health record event. This is any healthcare specific resource (object) not restricted to FHIR defined Resources.
    3ReportThis object is any kind of persistent document created as a result of the event. This could be a paper report, film, electronic report, DICOM Study, etc. Issues related to medical records life cycle management are conveyed elsewhere.
    20JobAn order, task, work item, procedure step, or other description of work to be performed; e.g. a particular instance of an MPPS.


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "RestObjectRoles",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "extensions",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><ul><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0/CodeSystem-object-role.html\"><code>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role</code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0/CodeSystem-object-role.html#object-role-4\">4</a></td><td>Domain Resource</td><td>A logical object related to a health record event. This is any healthcare specific resource (object) not restricted to FHIR defined Resources.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0/CodeSystem-object-role.html#object-role-3\">3</a></td><td>Report</td><td>This object is any kind of persistent document created as a result of the event. This could be a paper report, film, electronic report, DICOM Study, etc. Issues related to medical records life cycle management are conveyed elsewhere.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/3.1.0/CodeSystem-object-role.html#object-role-20\">20</a></td><td>Job</td><td>An order, task, work item, procedure step, or other description of work to be performed; e.g. a particular instance of an MPPS.</td></tr></table></li></ul></div>"
  "url" : "https://profiles.ihe.net/ITI/basicaudit/ValueSet/RestObjectRoles",
  "version" : "1.0.1",
  "name" : "RestObjectRoles",
  "title" : "RESTful objects role in the event",
  "status" : "active",
  "date" : "2022-03-02T07:55:57-06:00",
  "publisher" : "IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.ihe.net/ihe_domains/it_infrastructure/"
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "email",
          "value" : "iti@ihe.net"
      "name" : "IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "email",
          "value" : "iti@ihe.net"
  "description" : "The role that the given Object played in the Audit Event recorded",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm",
          "code" : "001"
  "copyright" : "IHE http://www.ihe.net/Governance/#Intellectual_Property",
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/object-role",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "4",
            "display" : "Domain Resource"
            "code" : "3",
            "display" : "Report"
            "code" : "20",
            "display" : "Job"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.